Wednesday, April 27, 2011

United States interest in Libya different from Syria

(Libya Twitter)-Crackdown on anti-government protesters by Syrian forces escalated in recent days as demonstrators, emboldened by weeks of protests, called for the ouster of President Bashar al-Assad. The crackdown culminated with the raid in Daraa where thousands of troops reportedly stormed the city and opened fire on demonstrators.

US is lobbying the UN to address Syria's human rights abuses. On Tuesday, the United Nations Security Council is expected to take up the issue, and Washington is seeking to block Syria's efforts to join the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva, where members are meeting Friday.

Marc Ginsberg, a former U.S. Ambassador to Morocco and presidential advisor on the Middle East, talks to AM’s Christine Romans and Ali Velshi about U.S. foreign policy response to unrest in the Middle East.

Syria is among the least free nations in the world when measured in terms of both civil and political freedoms according to Freedom House, an American think-tank. Freedom House states that "...there is a growing chasm between the Islamic community and the rest of world. While most Western and non-western countries are moving towards greater levels of freedom, the Islamic world is lagging behind."

Here's the rest of what Freedom House had to say about freedom in the Middle East in comparison to the rest of the world.

Who cares? Move on. This is all about our so-called NATO allies Turkey and Azerbiajan attempting to extort more money, power and influence. These are the same people who brought you the Armenian/Assyrian/Pontian/Chaldean and etc...Genocides. They were also the masterminds for the terrorist organization called Ergenekon Mujahadeen aka Taliban aka Al Queada.
These people haven't even come to grips with their past. And, we want them to do what now.

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